Sacramental Team Suggestions
Holy Spirit Meditation
Your family can pray the following prayer together sometimes as you spend so much time at home during these days. You will need one person to be the leader. Take it slowly with lots of pauses.
With your eyes closed and sitting or standing straight with both feet grounded, pray:
Ever present Spirit of God, here with us now, help us to hear you. (x3)
Become aware of everything that is around you; the sounds, the smells.
Is it cool or warm? Notice the smooth or the rough feel of your clothes. Scan your body from toes to head; notice your posture, your muscles, any aches or pains. Scan how you feel. Are you happy or sad or peaceful? Notice any feelings or thoughts, then allow them to pass through your mind.
Focus now on your breath.
Become aware of breathing, of the air moving in and out through your lungs, throat, mouth and nose, of your diaphragm and ribs moving. With your next breath, breathe into your whole body, focus on your entire body – you become one point in the universe. You are one special person.
You are here together with the Holy Spirit.
Listen to the Spirit, feel the Spirit of Jesus close to you.
Ask the Holy Spirit to share with you love, peace and strength.
Thank the Holy Spirit for being with you
When ready, finish with the prayer:
Ever present Spirit of God, here with me now, help me to be here with you. (x3)
Below are a couple of prayers that might be a simple way of “value adding“ to your family dinner
We Give Thanks and Praise
Blessed are you, loving God,
for all your gifts to us.
Blessed are you for giving us family and friends
to be with us in times of joy and sorrow,
to help us in days of need,
and to rejoice with us in moments of celebration.
Dear God our Father,
we praise you for your son Jesus,
who knew the happiness of family and friends,
and in the love of your Holy Spirit.
Blessed are you for ever and ever.
Adapted from- Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, A Book of Blessings, 271.
Grace before our meal
Lord, we thank You for the food before us,
the friends beside us,
the love between us;
And Your Presence among us.
From the Sacramental team at Our Lady of Nativity Parish Lawson