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Intercessory prayer for Katarina Kabiriera and Taabeia Ibouri

as they prepare to make their First Profession

as Sisters of the Good Samaritan of the Order of St Benedict












      L-R above: Taabeia, Katarina



Through their seeking of God according to our charism, may Katarina and Taabeia continue to grow in intimacy with Jesus, and daily allow themselves to be fashioned by the mystery of God’s abiding love. 



May Katarina and Taabeia respond generously and sincerely to the call to “imitate the charity of the kind Samaritan” who was moved with compassion for the wounded person and, “having poured oil and wine into his wounds to heal him, afterwards conveyed him to a place of security.” 



May Katarina and Taabeia always “identify as the centre of their life and mission the local community”, offering and receiving the hospitality of community in a spirit of mutual support and love. 



May the vow of stability support Katarina and Taabeia in “persevering in our way of life in all its changing circumstances”, that they may boldly and courageously serve God with the gifts given them “so that in all things God may be glorified”. 



May the vow of conversion of life challenge Katarina and Taabeia to “allow our way of life to form them in Gospel values”, and in so doing grow in the “good zeal which separates from evil and leads to God and everlasting life”. 



May the vow of obedience impel Katarina and Taabeia to listen with the ears of their hearts, as they “seek the will of God by living in community and under a Rule and a Superior”. 



May the cross on the insignias that Katarina and Taabeia will be given at their profession always remind them of God’s steadfast fidelity, and to “never lose hope in God’s mercy”. 



May the rings that Katarina and Taabeia will be given at their profession always remind them of the covenant they will enter into through the act of profession, and of their responding “what is more delightful than this voice of the Lord calling to us”.



Through their profession, may Katarina and Taabeia run on the path of God’s commandments, their hearts overflowing with the inexpressible delight of love, and may God receive them as promised, and never disappoint them in their hope. 


Te Mauri, Te Raoi ao Te Tabomoa

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