News Summary:
Mass Times are Tuesday 1st April 5.00 PM, Wednesday 2nd April 9.00 AM, Thursday 3rd April 9.30 AM. ​Supporting your Parish. Meeting about our Parish with Diocese after Sunday morning Mass, 6th April. Letter from Bishop Vincent Long re Blue Mountains parishes. Easter related events in All the NEWS. Creative Mondays . Ministers of the Altar urgently required. Parish Morning Teas and volunteers. Sacramental Program 2025. Vinnies needs volunteers and money. Sponsoring Refugees. Parish Seniors Group. Free English and Citizenship Classes. A Mass recorded at OLN is available via the button 'recorded masses', below right. The Well (a support website from our Diocese). Project Compassion.
For details of the above News, click on the
"All the NEWS" link below,
All the NEWS
Note: for recorded Masses, Bulletin, Prayers, Support ---
please use buttons on the lower righthand side
PLEASE NOTE: via the buttons below you may:
- watch Recorded Masses via the button 'Recorded Masses ' below.
- watch other sacred recordings, including Rosaries, via the button 'Sacred Recordings and Texts'
- gain Support via the 'Support' button.
- find the bulletin, the Sunday Celebration and Laurie Woods' commentary via the 'Bulletin' button
- find Prayers via the 'Prayers' button.
- find items added by Parishioners via the 'People of the Parish' button.
NB. Anyone wanting to receive the bulletin as a hard copy or via email, please telephone the office on 0418 214 548 or email via olon3@bigpond.com

0418 214 548
Donations can be made to Our Lady of Nativity Parish Lawson via direct deposit to the bank account below.
Account name: Lawson Our Lady of the Nativity
BSB: 067-950
Account Number: 00000164